Bakhoor Sadaf


Bakhoor Round Sticks
12 Sticks
Scented Smoke
Natural Herbs
Floral Extracts
Traditional Fragrance

2 in stock


Bakhoor Round Sticks
12 Sticks
Scented Smoke
Natural Herbs
Floral Extracts
Traditional Fragrance
Bakhoor is the Arabic name given to scented bricks or a blend of natural traditional ingredients, mainly wood chips (Oudh the Arabic name for Agarwood / Aloeswood) soaked in fragrant oils and mixed with other natural ingredients (resin, ambergris, musk, sandalwood , essential oils and others).
Uses of Bakhoor:
To Perfume the house: On special occasions.
To create a romantic atmosphere.
For welcoming gusts and a gesture of hospitality.
Used to boost positive energy and dismiss bad smell.
Used in commercial shops and stores (specially that’s related to clothes) to attract customers and to enhance their buying experience.
It’s used to quickly discard the bad smells and perfume the place.
Bakhoor can enhance the mood and motivate creativity.
